No matter how big or small a business is, employees should always be given the tools to completely understand their role, not only on an individual scale but also how their role...
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Employee Satisfaction Surveys: How to Remove Biases and Collect Proper Data
If your organization conducts employee satisfaction surveys, the quality of the resulting data is key to their success. That's why we wanted to take a look at a common issue that...
Why Leaders Should Listen to 360-Degree Feedback
Performance management within any organization needs to be done with the full support of every employee at every level, and this includes the higher echelons. That's one of the...
The Importance of Employee Blind Spot Detection
When it comes to evaluating employee performance, it's not always easy to balance your expectations with the employee's own perception of their performance. That's why building...
Everyone Needs Feedback to Improve
It's so important in any career, at any level, that people are coached instead of 'managed' in order for them to improve and progress. Successful coaching and mentoring always...
Boost Employee Independence with the Right Performance Management Techniques
Happy Independence Day for last weekend! We hope you had a fantastic weekend, we certainly did.The holidays actually got us thinking about independence when it comes to...
Powerful Employee Engagement Surveys – Know How Your Staff Feels
The Opinion Survey module within the Primalogik 360 platform can be used for Employee Engagement surveys as well as Employee Satisfaction surveys. These surveys are a key tool...
Why Managing Employee Performance Should Start at the Top?
Is your senior leadership team fully behind your organization's process of managing employee performance? If not, why not? Peer reviews and performance management should always...
5 Ways Transparent Feedback Makes for a Better Workplace
Embracing transparency in feedback is essential if you want a secure and committed workforce. While transparency in respect of customers is popular among businesses, it can be...
BOOST Employee Performance with Constructive Feedback
The ability to give and receive honest, constructive feedback is one of the signs of a successful employer/employee relationship. Giving feedback is a crucial factor in managing...
Key Elements for Maintaining Trust in the Workplace
Developing and maintaining trust in a workplace is an important, but often difficult, process for any organization. For successful working relationships between peers, managers...
Four Golden Rules for Delivering Feedback to Employees
Telling someone they aren't as good at their job as they think they are can be awkward. Giving feedback can be uncomfortable for both parties, especially if it's not all...