Having the right HR policies in place is key to organizational success—and an employment equity policy is one of the most important ones. What exactly is employment equity? In...
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Articles tagged with: HR
Effective Management: 7 Ways to Be a Great Manager
What makes for effective management? And how can you develop it—in yourself or your leaders? The best leaders display a particular set of qualities and behaviours that shape...
Benefits Packages: A Comprehensive Guide
Employees might be thinking about benefits packages more than ever. So, employers should be doubling down on efforts to strengthen their offerings. By doing so, you can reduce...
360 Reviews: The Ultimate Guide (Free Template)
Considering launching a 360 review process—or upgrading your current one? This can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to. We’re about to take an in-depth look at the 360 review...
Stay Interview: Retain Top Talent by Asking Great Questions
Asking for feedback is a huge part of people management. But too few organizations do that effectively—or at all. A stay interview can provide crucial feedback about the employee...
PTO: Boost Employee Engagement & Performance
What is PTO? Short for paid time off, it compensates employees during an absence from work. As policies shift and new benefits models emerge, it has become a hot topic in HR. PTO...
Management Values: 16 Ways to Be the Best Manager Possible (Free Download)
Management values are like an invisible guiding force within an organization. They give direction to managers at all levels—and to employees, in turn. Like the leadership values...
HR Analytics from A to Z: The Definitive Guide
HR analytics has become a hot topic in many companies. And it’s only growing more popular by the day. But despite all the hype, few HR departments know how to “do” analytics...
Mentorship Program: 11 Ways to Springboard Your Career
Mentoring allows employees to reach their highest potential. Plus, it fosters stronger engagement and a better employee experience. In the past, though, mentorship happened more...
Leadership Values: 36 Ways to Be the Best Leader Possible
What are leadership values, and how can we uphold them? Leadership values guide everything a leader does. They act as a north star that helps leaders focus on the right...
Talent Acquisition: Strategy, Key Steps, and Examples
In terms of recruitment, companies today can use every advantage they can get. And talent acquisition can be a major competitive edge. Talent acquisition goes beyond recruiting...
Culture Strategy: The Definitive Guide to Building A Great Corporate Culture
What is a culture strategy? Better yet, what exactly is company culture? Where does it come from? A company’s culture consists of group norms that guide behaviour. These...