How to Build a Positive Workplace Culture

Employee Engagement

Oct 3, 2019

Have you ever wondered if improving your workplace culture could take your company to greater heights of success? In most cases, the answer is a resounding, “Yes!”

A full 88% of employees and 94% of executives believe workplace culture plays a pivotal role in the success of an organization. Most workplaces have room for growth in this regard—and thus, leaders should make organizational culture a top priority. When a workplace has a positive culture, employees enjoy working together. They look forward to coming into work and feel energized at the thought of collaborating.

Instilling a positive culture in your workplace brings a wealth of benefits for the whole organization and each individual within it. Here are a few of the most important benefits:

  • Boosting employee engagement. Employees enjoy being at work more. They feel comfortable yet challenged because they have supportive relationships with their coworkers and bosses. They know they can always ask for help, guidance, or increased responsibilities, and all of this makes them feel deeply valued—and seven times more likely to be engaged in their work.
  • Enhancing collaboration and innovation. Because employees have strong interpersonal relationships, they freely share ideas and work as a high-functioning team. Having friendships with colleagues makes people more loyal to the company, too.
  • Increasing productivity. A positive workplace culture frees employees to focus on their work by eliminating negativity and reducing stress. Any conflict that occurs is productive in nature, and those involved aim to resolve it in healthy ways. And when employees are happy at work, companies see a 12% jump in productivity.

HR managers can play a leading role in creating a harmonious workplace culture. Wondering how to foster a positive culture in your workplace? Read on to learn tried-and-true strategies!

Voice your gratitude.

As a leader, when you share gratitude with others, it creates a culture of sharing appreciation. By serving as a positive role model, you’ll inspire employees throughout your workplace to say “thank you” often and with sincerity. Create a public forum for sharing thanks, which will boost morale by recognizing people’s contributions in front of their peers.

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Explain why your employees’ contributions are meaningful. 

Everyone needs to understand how their actions drive results. In team meetings, highlight the importance of people’s individual and group contributions to show them the full value of their work—and the work of their colleagues. Connect the dots between the results the team achieved and the work each person performed. A strong visual like a flow chart can help!

Instill a culture of listening.

Make sure everyone feels they have a voice, from entry-level employees to company leaders. Encourage all managers to invite ideas from their employees and give them tips on how to encourage input and suggestions from their team. When managers strive to become more approachable and open to ideas, they’ll encourage everyone to adopt the same attitude. In turn, this will create a culture of innovation by bringing more great ideas to light.

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Always think positively.

Positive thinking will bring positive results. Even if you feel doubtful about how you’ll overcome a challenge, continue thinking positively and encouraging your whole team to do the same. When you and other company leaders continue boosting morale with a positive outlook, everyone will double down in their effort to work through any hurdle they face—and ultimately, they’ll succeed. 

A good sense of humor will help you maintain a positive outlook at all times. Find a way to laugh at a tough situation; making people smile will help them to relax and think creatively. By thinking positively and laughing together, you’ll remain a cohesive team that can find a solution to any challenge.

Show people that you trust them.

Showing that you have confidence in people will help them feel more valued and respected—and in turn, more loyal to your company. When they wish to try out a new idea or lead a particular project that stretches their skills, give them the opportunity to do so. Provide them with the resources they need to see their project or idea through so they’ll have a positive experience that leaves them feeling energized and ready to tackle more challenges.

As you and other leaders take all of these steps to encourage a positive company culture, you’ll set a powerful example for individuals throughout your organization. Others will start following your lead, spreading the culture of positivity throughout the workplace. In the process, they’ll be growing their leadership skills, becoming people who know how to inspire and motivate everyone around them.




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