Mentoring allows employees to reach their highest potential. Plus, it fosters stronger engagement and a better employee experience. In the past, though, mentorship happened more...
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Leadership Values: 36 Ways to Be the Best Leader Possible
What are leadership values, and how can we uphold them? Leadership values guide everything a leader does. They act as a north star that helps leaders focus on the right...
Delegation of Authority: 6 Ways to Empower Employees
Delegation of authority helps organizational processes to flow smoothly. In fact, good people management revolves around it. Why? Sharing authority among team members eases the...
Organizational Success: 10 Proven Ways to Transform Your Business
No organization thinks, “It really doesn’t matter if we succeed.” Everyone wants to believe they’ve set a clear plan for organizational success. Yet some plans succeed, and many...
Offboarding: 23 Easy Ways to Learn from Former Employees
Many organizations are focusing more attention on onboarding—and for good reason. And of course, most companies are ramping up retention efforts. But did you know that having a...
Employee Motivation Survey: A Complete Guide
When it comes to team performance, employee motivation is everything. How your employees feel about their work will make or break their team’s success. So, leaders need to keep...
Leadership Strategy: The Essential Guide
Improving people management skills helps leaders boost engagement and productivity each day. But leaders also need to gain a bigger picture understanding of how to succeed. Help...
Performance Review Questions: 88 Great Examples
Are you working to finesse your performance review questions and process? You may have put a lot of thought into selecting the right review template. You may have considered how...
Team Performance: A Guide to Building Great Work Teams
Nothing influences results more strongly than team performance. Teams working at their best become more than the sum total of their individual strengths. They can move mountains...
Supervisor Evaluation—A Complete Guide from A to Z
In a typical performance evaluation, the manager reviews the employee. But in a supervisor evaluation, the opposite takes place. A supervisor evaluation by employees shows...
People Management – The Definitive Guide
People management plays a critical role in a team’s success. And managers have a deciding role in engagement. “Managers account for an astounding 70% of the variance in their...
Quarterly Performance Review: The Definitive Guide
Many companies are rethinking their performance review process. They want to improve on it with a quarterly performance review. Disliking annual reviews, some companies have...