Leadership assessments can play a pivotal role in boosting the effectiveness of managers and executives. Just 11% of companies have a strong or very strong leadership pipeline....
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Manager Goals: The Complete Guide
Just like any other employee, every manager should have personal goals. Having strong goals enhances performance by keeping managers focused on what they want to achieve,...
Manager Effectiveness: A Helpful Guide
Manager effectiveness plays a crucial role in the success of any organization. A skilled and effective manager can inspire their team, foster a positive work environment, and...
Overworked Employees: 12 Strategies to Help Them Recover
Today, we’re facing an epidemic of overworked employees. Being overworked causes employee experience to plummet. And being overworked is a problem around the world—though not a...
HR Metrics for 2023: The Definitive Guide
HR metrics help organisations measure performance data and make sense of it. In turn, this informs talent management decisions. Through the right metrics, HR managers and leaders...
Underperforming Employee: 9 Ways to Help
Various challenges on or off the job can lead an employee to underperform. But what exactly is an underperforming employee? “Underperforming” can mean different things,...
Performance Tracking: The Ultimate Guide to Success (Free Template) 2023
Quality performance tracking helps employees become more capable and confident on the job. It involves consistently monitoring and measuring the results team members achieve....
Goal Setting Activities to Jump-Start Success (Free Template)
Goal setting activities can greatly boost employee engagement. But what do these goal setting activities involve? Goal setting activities are exercises that engage and motivate...
9 Box Grid: The Definitive Guide (Free Template)
What is a 9 box grid? In a nutshell, it’s a valuable performance management tool. The 9 box grid gives you a quick-reference visual of employee performance and potential. This...
Employee Assessment: A Complete Guide to Best Practices (Free Template)
An employee assessment evaluates the performance of an individual over a specific time period. Within this assessment, the manager compares an individual’s performance against a...
Survey vs Questionnaire: A Comparative Guide
Survey vs questionnaire. Which is better? And Why? Both have become popular tools in the workplace. They allow organizations to easily gain employee input, especially when using...
Constructive Feedback Examples: 100 Helpful Ideas (Free Template)
Feedback plays a crucial role in enhancing employees’ effectiveness. Whether it takes the form of peer feedback or feedback from managers, it strengthens each team member’s...