Local accounts in Primalogik 360 1.1.0

Mar 26, 2013 | Primalogik Updates

Yesterday we released a new version of our 360-degree feedback software Primalogik 360, with several bug fixes and some major changes. There are many important improvements in version 1.1.0 but the most significant one is support for non-OpenID user accounts.

Login and Sign up without OpenID

Up until now the application only supported logins via OpenID (Google or Yahoo! accounts). While OpenID is a secure and convenient (SSO) way of loggin in, we knew this was a limitation for a lot of organizations. The strategy of limiting the first releases of our solution to OpenID accounts only, allowed us to release our product earlier and focus on business that use Google Apps for Business.

As of now users can create user accounts within Primalogik 360 and and can login with those accounts.

Try it for free

If you’re looking for a simple and affordable way of organizing your 360-degree feedback process you should try Primalogik 360. You can register via OpenID or create an account now.

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