360 Feedback: Leverage It with A Hybrid Workforce

Sep 2, 2021 | 360 Degree Feedback

Hybrid and remote work are here to stay for many companies. How can you ensure your employees are receiving the same quality of feedback they received in person? Whether they work from home full-time or part-time, they’re less likely to receive feedback face-to-face. The solution? A 360-feedback program.

The right tools can be a game-changer when it comes to improving workplace performance. 360-feedback software can help provide employees with detailed and well-rounded perspective of their strengths and opportunities for improvement. And it’s remote-friendly. Whether you work together under the same roof, in a hybrid model, or in a remote model, each team member will receive high-quality assessments from colleagues.

Why 360 Feedback Tools Are Vital for Hybrid and Remote Teams

Two smiling women on laptops in coffee shop

These software solutions offer two key benefits:

  1. 360 feedback asks co-workers to provide their perceptions of how well an employee works on a team. It can give insights on how a team is functioning and where it needs to improve. This applies to individual members as much as the team itself.
  2. Managers will also better understand how well they are leading their hybrid or remote team.

Let’s take a look now at how to skillfully implement a 360 feedback program that delivers these benefits to your company.

5 Tips for Using 360 Feedback on Remote and Hybrid Teams

Hands typing on smartphone and laptop on desk

Take a personal approach

Emails can feel cold and impersonal. Consequently, people may be worried about being judged during the initiative. Introduce the program during a team meeting. Afterward, leave time for questions.  

Explain the purpose clearly

Tell people exactly what you’ll use the feedback for: making self-improvement plans! This will promote a sense of safety, building trust among employees. Otherwise, employees might imagine you’ll be using it to make promotional decisions. This is a surefire way to sabotage a 360-feedback program.

Like many companies that use 360 feedback, you can also choose to keep the responses anonymous and explain this to employees. In fact, you may want to lead with that.

Present the results in an easy to understand format

Make sure to share the feedback in an easily digestible format. Quality software programs use visuals like charts and graphs. They’ll help you interpret and communicate the results clearly. If employees come to the office part-time, schedule a meeting to review the feedback in person. Otherwise, talk via a one-on-one video call. Define a plan for self-improvement based on the feedback. Use it as a baseline for growth.

Beware of proximity bias

Simply put, proximity bias is a preference for those you work physically closer to. This is likely to happen on hybrid teams or on-site. Reduce bias by considering if co-workers who gave more positive reviews worked in person together. If so, look for ways to strengthen connections between co-workers who don’t see each other as often.

Look for patterns 

The feedback gained in your 360 surveys can improve team communication and effectiveness. Look for trends in the data (like proximity bias). Are employees frustrated about communication difficulties? The workflow process? Take note of overarching concerns so you can address them. 

Consider adopting a new tool or practice that makes communication easier. Try pairing different employees as “work buddies” weekly. They may begin to interact more frequently. In other words, 360 feedback is not just necessary to help individuals improve. It also helps managers find out what’s working and what’s not. It’s even more important within hybrid or remote work models.

360 Feedback Recap

These five steps can help you to get the most out of your 360 feedback initiative. Times are changing, and your 360 feedback program will provide crucial insights about individuals and teams alike. And remember, the 360 survey is just the beginning. It provides essential guidance for ongoing employee development. But there are other ways to help your workforce grow.

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