Better results analysis with frequency distribution charts

Primalogik Updates

Jun 5, 2013

We just enabled frequency distribution charts in Primalogik 360. This new feature will provide our users better insight on how 360 feedback ratings are distributed across a group of respondents.

In the survey results page you will now see frequency distribution charts for each individual question and for whole categories. This new tool will allow managers and HR personnel to identify areas of disagreement, performance gaps or opportunities for improvement.

Why is this important?

Looking at average scores gives you a very good idea of overall tendencies, especially when they are either on the high end or on the low end. But when different groups of people have very different and opposed opinions on a given question or category, averages may fall in the middle of the response spectrum and could just look unremarkable hiding the disagreement. In those cases, the frequency distribution graph will probably show two distinct peaks (a bi-modal distribution). Bi-modal distributions will point you to areas that may need closer analysis.

How does it look like?

Small bar charts appear next to average results. Here’s an example of how the Results Summary area looks like:

You can click on the small bar charts to see an enlarged version with more details.





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