Abandoning Paper-Based Appraisal Processes for 2017

360 Degree Feedback, Performance Management

Jan 5, 2017

Happy New Year! Let’s talk about resolutions. No, I’m not going to get involved in your personal resolutions, but I’d really like to know if your organization is making any business resolutions or changes this year.

Here’s why – I’d like to suggest one for you. To abandon paper-based processes and automate as much as possible, including things like employee performance appraisals and peer reviews.

You know it makes sense, and here are four reasons to make 2017 the year you start benefiting from employee performance management software.

Stop it becoming quite literally a ‘paper exercise’

Also an expression for something that’s not really valuable to anyone involved, if your appraisals are literally a paper-based process it’s all too easy to file the paperwork away and leave it gathering dust for 12 months. A more efficient process using employee performance management software allows for reminders and automated workflows, something that employees and management can keep in mind throughout the year. This is ideal for increasing motivation to achieve objectives and perform well all year round, not just for a couple of weeks when appraisals are looming.

Make the process easier for everyone involved

A paper-based system is generally more complicated, with different people having to complete forms, make the required number of copies, make sure forms are filed correctly, hope they don’t get lost in the internal paperwork on their way to personnel, and probably even more. On the other hand, nothing gets lost when you have a software-based process of undertaking employee performance appraisals, employee satisfaction surveys, and 360-degree feedback questionnaires – it’s all in one central place that can be accessed by everyone who needs to be able to, wherever they’re located.

Allow less room for error

Let’s face it, paper-based appraisal systems don’t provide the best quality data, and if forms are being completed by hand, you can add to your problems the risk of others being unable to decipher what’s been recorded. Even the person themselves a year later might not be able to understand or remember what certain sections are supposed to say! It also gives your organization the ability to drill down and analyze data from every employee, as well as drilling down to get the specific information needed. This is something that a manual, paper-based process wouldn’t let you do without a lot of hours and pain involved, and even then, the data is likely to be flawed.

Enjoy a less time consuming process

Everything we’ve already discussed in terms of manual workflows, issues deciphering forms, and so on, all add up to extra time spent, time that could be more productively used on other tasks. With that in mind it’s no wonder many organizations still only perform appraisals once a year! With an automated process, the people involved in appraisals, peer reviews, and anything else you’re moving from paper-based, will find it easier and more valuable to perform them more often during the year, giving you so many benefits to the business.

Primalogik 360 is one such tool that helps you and your team with automating the tasks of managing, sending emails and reminders. It also provides ample reports that can help your Managers and Executives focus on the results while still have access to the underlying data. Give Primalogik 360 a try today!




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